Tag Archives: Rock N Roll
Redstone Room in Davenport, IA
The 2nd to last show on this tour took us to Davenport, Iowa home of the… yeah who knows! Bailiff’s show, audience, and event were fantastic. In the midst of a long banquet style room, the guys found themselves playing a fundraising event for a local man who was in desperate need of some upgrades to his handicap accessible van. It was a fantastic turnout and a successful event as they raised several thousands of dollars to help the young man. Several fans from previous shows made the trip out and we enjoyed the hospitality and support of the locals as we were winding down the tour. Our next and last stop on the tour takes us to Dubuque, Iowa.
Replay Lounge in Lawrence, KS
Day two of the tour didn’t start of perfectly, but after a great brunch, some thrift shopping, and retrieving the band’s merch from St. Louis. We hit the road, stopped at a Guitar Center and made it to Lawrence Kansas in plenty of time for load in. The Replay Lounge, reminded me a bit of my hometown bar The Brass Rail. Great drink specials, cool atmosphere (TVs with Saved by The Bell playing), and young eager music nuts packing out the venue. Located on a main strip of stores, shops, restaurants, The Replay Lounge was a great place to play and we had so much fun… Just don’t get caught Jaywalking!
The 2nd leg of last weeks work trip took me to Memphis, Tennessee. I had a bit more down time here then in California so I tried to make the most of it.
- Had pretty eerie feelings while visiting the place where Martin Luther King was shot!
- Where Elvis Presley recorded his first demos.
- This is what you see as you walk into Elvis’ home in memphis.
- Some, not all of Elvis’ Gold Records. Insane!
- Didn’t think this place would impact me like it did. So fascinating.
Desert Noises
I was given a tip from a friend of a friend to check these guys, Desert Noises out whenever they come to the midwest. Not too long ago they stopped by the The Brass Rail. Thankfully I decided to go to their show and they were spectacular live, genuine off the stage, and every moment in between. Stellar fellas and great musicians. Give em a listen!
Wasting Light
In honor of the Foo Fighters being awarded five well deserved Grammys last night, I wanted to share this video of them performing ‘Wasting Light” in its entirety at studio 606. Enjoy!
The Last Good Year
This years Super Bowl was hosted by my state’s capital, Indianapolis and I was lucky enough to find some time to go down and check out the festivities. For the opening of Super Bowl Village, some friends of mine, The Last Good Year, a great Rock N Roll band, had the honor of opening up the party with some of their original tunes. Check out their video and some footage from the Super Bowl Party below!