Tag Archives: Pictures
Redstone Room in Davenport, IA
The 2nd to last show on this tour took us to Davenport, Iowa home of the… yeah who knows! Bailiff’s show, audience, and event were fantastic. In the midst of a long banquet style room, the guys found themselves playing a fundraising event for a local man who was in desperate need of some upgrades to his handicap accessible van. It was a fantastic turnout and a successful event as they raised several thousands of dollars to help the young man. Several fans from previous shows made the trip out and we enjoyed the hospitality and support of the locals as we were winding down the tour. Our next and last stop on the tour takes us to Dubuque, Iowa.
Vaudeville Mews in Des Moines, IA
Day five of the Bailiff tour took us to Des Moines, IA as I’m sure you already figured out. They guys played a venue called, Vaudeville Mews and I apologize for not taking very many pictures…
At this point in our trip, I came to the realization that I should probably shoot some video as well. As I set out for this trip with a camera in tow, if we are being honest with each other, I didn’t really have a game plan or a strategy for what I wanted to shoot. This whole tour with Baliff was really just a chance for me to get away for a bit, get to know the guys better, and help out any way I could. Beyond, taking a camera along, I really had zero game plan for what I wanted to shoot. Here are a couple of the shots from that show.
Off Broadway in St. Louis
Does anyone else feel like the New Year came and January decided it didn’t need to exist? Those who know me well, know I’m generally the person who over commits, rolls with the punches, but finds ways to stay mostly sane throughout all the chaos. I’ve set some very lofty goals for myself in regards to this next year and my most recent trip, on tour with Bailiff, kicked off 2015 with some pretty unforgettable memories.
The first of ten stops on tour was a venue called, Off Broadway in St. Louis. It proved to be a great place to kick things into motion. The venue was fantastic, a large group of diehard fans came and surprised the fellas by singing their lyrics back at them, and I got to see one of my great friends Cole Miller. The first night on the road went extremely well, after some pizza, drinking with friends, the purchase of some vintage shoes, a deliciously filling brunch the next morning, we hit the road and headed onward toward Lawrence, KS. About 35 minutes into the drive we quickly realize we’d forgotten the band’s merchandise. After an hour and a half set back, we were headed to our second stop…
More posts and pics to come…
Look at this Instagram
Halloween 2012
This year we only had to ignore the door bell a couple times. This years Halloween consisted of family coming over to show off their costumes and have just a little bit of candy. Here are a couple pictures.
- Look at me ROAR!
- 1… 2… 3… ROAR!!!
- Cooking up some treats.
Mac Mini Memory Upgrade
After discovering the power cable to my parent’s Mac Mini has gone bad, I decided to upgrade their computers memory because my mom does tons of stuff with pictures, or should I say, she takes a ungodly amount of pictures. The original 1GB of memory, which the Mac Mini came with, was annoyingly slow. After about 5 minutes of contemplation, I decided to purchase the maximum memory the 2009 Mac Mini can handle. Below are some pictures of the disassembly and the installation of all 8GBs of memory freshly upgraded.
- Before disassembly
- Mac Mini with the top case removed.
- Separated the disc drive from the components, placed springs and screws off to the side
- There was dust caked everywhere so I blew some compressed air across the components to clean it up a bit.
- The Mini originally came with just 1GB of memory so needless to say its gotten a bit slow.
- I upgraded the Mini’s memory to its maximum potential of 8Gb
Drive all night
I had the absolute pleasure and opportunity to work on the latest NEEEDTOBREATHE music video directed by Eric Ryan Anderson. I had an absolute blast working with the band and all the crew in the beautiful city of Oldenburg, Indiana. Below are some shots I took with my trusty ole iPhone and don’t forget to watch the video. It turned out amazing!
- The talent preparing to ride up to the flare.
- Blocking the road to make sure the crew didn’t get smashed.
- The extras with their lights, mid stride.
- Doing what Evan does best, smoking em out!
- The band wanted to have their shadows playing in the trees, turn out cool in the video.
- Performance lose up shots of the guys.
- Bear getting into it.
WordCamp Detroit
This weekend will be spent in Detroit with folks who enjoy all things WordPress! Check out the post for pics of the weekends events.
- Some of the city from our hotel
- The most awkward name for transportation, “The People Mover”
- Checking out the BBQ, it was quite tasty!
- The guys during the session this afternoon
- A shirt I won during the WordPress Jeopardy game.
- Grabbed dinner at a great place called, Fishbone.
- Our hotel and where the WordCamp conference was held.
Foster The People of Nashville
Just a few weeks ago my friend Evan Perigo mentioned he had an extra ticket to the Foster the People show in Nashville, TN. I am not one to turn down the opportunity to go see one of the best new bands out right now, so of course with no hesitation I said I’d go.
Aside from going to the show, we wanted to go visit some friends who we hadn’t seen in awhile, so we packed up my Volkswagen and headed down to the music city.
Upon arrival in Nashville we met up with our friend Kyle who was nice enough to let us crash at his house while we were in town. For the next few days we did whatever we could think of, toured the Corsair Artisan Distillery , ate at some amazing restaurants, caught up with some newly made friends, and went to a couple local shows, one which was at a really cool place called The Family Wash.
This road trip wouldn’t have been complete had there not been some unexpected problems. The night we went to The Family Wash we had just finished touring the Corsair Artisan Distillery. While there we took the liberty to wonder around the other parts of the building. In the midst of the building being renovated crumbled bricks and paint sprayed walls made for some fun exploration. Nonetheless, as we wondered around looking for trouble Evan whipped out his camera and took a couple random snapshots.
- Its hard not to enjoy being in Nashville
- I am sure Kyle was doing something weird off to the side
- Buggin out apparently
- Check out Kyle rocking the carnigan like a ‘deep v’
I’m telling you this is because afterwards we went inside and sampled a couple beers but had to leave cause they were closing up shop. We then decided to head over to the venue in East Nashville and catch a few local acts. The only problem is that on the way over I discovered, I left my drivers license at the distillery. This made for a small, ok medium sized, headache and no more beverages for the rest of the evening. Bummed, yet not willing to let this ruin the night we decided to go back the next day and look for it. Determined to find it, we made our way back to the distillery and found my I.D. underneath the table we were sitting at. Relieved and ready to leave Nashville with a bang we re-grouped at Kyles place and ended our time there at a place called The Paterson house. This is my all time favorite place to grab a drink while there and would recommend to make special arrangements to visit next time you’re down that way.
The trip home, which always seems longer then the way down, was pretty uneventful. Aside from the removal of clothing as the ole VW doesn’t have AC, we made it back safe. Overall a great trip and I’m looking forward to returning soon.
Thanks to Evan, Kyle, Tal, Darren (who was a bit under the weather), and Marisa for the memories.