Tag Archives: Nashville
John Ball
Everytime my Nashville friends come into town it makes life so much better! Been hanging with Jed and John Ball all day and super stoked for their set tonight!
Rayland Baxter at the B-Sides
Last night I had the pleasure to once again see Rayland Baxter play at One Lucky Guitar’s The B-Sides venue. Such a talented artist, writer, and musician. So glad the show sold out and really appreciate the hospitality from Matt Kelly and the gang for all they do for music in this city. Happy Birthday Matt, great show!
- Rayland Baxter playing as a Trio at The B-Sides.
Rayland Baxter
Its never a typical Thursday night in Fort Wayne, Indiana when you get to drive downtown to watch incredibly talented musicians and a gifted songwriter play at The B-Side, an intimate softly lit brick lined room that sits off to the side of One Lucky Guitar‘s office space. Tonight, I got to see Rayland Baxter, son of Bucky Baxter, and a wonderfully gifted wordsmith. It was an evening lost in music and for me that can never happen enough! If you feel inclined look him up online and have a listen!
- Singing one of his many tunes at The B-Side
Road Trip 2012
Tonight I decided to go through both of my computers and do some spring cleaning, ya know, the every couple month purge of files you once thought you needed to keep! Right around thirty minutes into my hard drives is about when I found all those files I kept but have zero use for. Well this time around I not only purged the files, I also came across old photos I took just over two years ago when my good friend Evan Perigo and I went on a two and half week road trip. I can’t begin to write up or describe half of the events which took place, but what I can say is that these pictures, or potentially this never ending winter, have stirred up the travel bug inside of me. I think I’ve always been someone who can’t really every sit still or stay in one place for too long without getting antsy.
Below are some of the shots, and as I continue to go through more of my files Im hoping to find a few others I can add to this post.
- Ricky and his sex books!
- Some random stream in the Smoky Mountains
- Evan getting use to his wild mustang
- Our guide leading us up the mountain
- A lighthouse off the shore in South Carolina
- A giant tree
- Just after we got home, enjoying some hookah by the river
Andrew Ripp Covers Timberlake’s song Mirrors
This version is seriously almost as good as the original. I saw this guy last year in Indy and his talent is just ridiculous. So much soul and texture to his style. Dig it!
Joy to the World
Andrew Ripp just destroys the song, ‘Joy to the World’ giving it an amazingly clever blues feel. If all Christmas music were like this, it’d be all I listen to. Check out the video below…
- Andrew’s Christmas EP comes out 11.22.11 on iTunes
The Civil Wars
Waiting for the music to begin!
- Before the show.
Foster The People of Nashville
Just a few weeks ago my friend Evan Perigo mentioned he had an extra ticket to the Foster the People show in Nashville, TN. I am not one to turn down the opportunity to go see one of the best new bands out right now, so of course with no hesitation I said I’d go.
Aside from going to the show, we wanted to go visit some friends who we hadn’t seen in awhile, so we packed up my Volkswagen and headed down to the music city.
Upon arrival in Nashville we met up with our friend Kyle who was nice enough to let us crash at his house while we were in town. For the next few days we did whatever we could think of, toured the Corsair Artisan Distillery , ate at some amazing restaurants, caught up with some newly made friends, and went to a couple local shows, one which was at a really cool place called The Family Wash.
This road trip wouldn’t have been complete had there not been some unexpected problems. The night we went to The Family Wash we had just finished touring the Corsair Artisan Distillery. While there we took the liberty to wonder around the other parts of the building. In the midst of the building being renovated crumbled bricks and paint sprayed walls made for some fun exploration. Nonetheless, as we wondered around looking for trouble Evan whipped out his camera and took a couple random snapshots.
- Its hard not to enjoy being in Nashville
- I am sure Kyle was doing something weird off to the side
- Buggin out apparently
- Check out Kyle rocking the carnigan like a ‘deep v’
I’m telling you this is because afterwards we went inside and sampled a couple beers but had to leave cause they were closing up shop. We then decided to head over to the venue in East Nashville and catch a few local acts. The only problem is that on the way over I discovered, I left my drivers license at the distillery. This made for a small, ok medium sized, headache and no more beverages for the rest of the evening. Bummed, yet not willing to let this ruin the night we decided to go back the next day and look for it. Determined to find it, we made our way back to the distillery and found my I.D. underneath the table we were sitting at. Relieved and ready to leave Nashville with a bang we re-grouped at Kyles place and ended our time there at a place called The Paterson house. This is my all time favorite place to grab a drink while there and would recommend to make special arrangements to visit next time you’re down that way.
The trip home, which always seems longer then the way down, was pretty uneventful. Aside from the removal of clothing as the ole VW doesn’t have AC, we made it back safe. Overall a great trip and I’m looking forward to returning soon.
Thanks to Evan, Kyle, Tal, Darren (who was a bit under the weather), and Marisa for the memories.
Baby Robins in Nashville